Austin Child Custody Attorney
Family Law Attorney Protecting the Interests of Your Children
Do you have children and are about to get a divorce? Perhaps you are single and are looking to obtain legal custody of your child. No matter what the situation may be, if you are a parent who wants to have control over the care and protection of your child, our firm can help. Sablatura & Williams has handled numerous successful family law cases, including cases of child custody.
Uncontested & Contested Custody Cases
In some cases, two parents may be able to agree on who should have custody, particularly in joint custody cases. If you and your spouse can come to an agreement regarding which parent the child will live with at what times, as well as who will make important life decisions for the child, then you may be able to pursue mediation in order to handle your custody case. Otherwise, you will have to go to court.
Is Texas a mother state for custody?
Texas favors the mother for child custody. If the mother is not married, she has the sole custody of the child. If the father can prove his paternity, then he will also have custody of the child. If a mother has the sole custody of a child, she can make all of the decisions of the child such as the child's medical and educational future.
How Can a Father Prove His Paternity?
A father can prove his paternity by signing an Acknowledgement of Paternity form, which the mother will also have to sign. Using a DNA test, a father can also establish paternity.
What makes a parent unfit in Texas?
In Texas, what makes a parent unfit is when a parent has a negative impact on a child emotionally and physically. Common examples of unfit parents includes parents that abandon their child, child neglect, and any forms of abuse. If the parent also has any form of addiction, whether it is alcohol, drug, and more are signs of an unfit parent. If the parent also has a criminal past such as having a prior felony, convicted of sexual assault will automatically make them an unfit parent.
how is child custody determined in texas?
Family law judges make custody decisions based on the best interests of the child. This includes the income and living expenses of each parent; each parent's willingness and ability to support the child; and each parent's relationship with the child. Anyone fighting for custody of their child must prove to the judge that their child's interests are best met when in their custody. Retain a skilled Austin lawyer from Sablatura & Williams today to build a strong case for obtaining custody of your child.
Contact a Family Law Attorney in Round Rock
Sablatura & Williams can provide the support and guidance that you need when facing such a sensitive legal matter. Child custody is a stressful and extremely personal legal issue to face, and our attorneys will treat you and your case accordingly. We are attentive to our clients and treat them with respect. We also handle each case with urgency.
Contact us today to take part in a free case evaluation and learn more!